
Tri-Cast Ltd. is a high quality casting producer. The foundry specializes in small to medium production runs. Many of the castings we produce have intricate designs and require the skill of a foundry like Tri-Cast Ltd. Our unequalled reputation is built on the ability to link the most modern technology with skilled craftsmanship and excellent customer service.

Our niche is short to medium runs of intricate castings. We can take a pattern that has run thousands of pieces for its production life, and modify it to run 1-50 pcs. of service parts. Tri-Cast Ltd. services other foundry’s needs from making chills and short to medium production runs for automated foundries.

Tri-Cast Ltd. is the foundry to go to when there is an intricate design that needs expertise. Our pattern makers are 2nd and 3rd generation skilled tradesmen in foundry pattern construction. Our foundry has produced a variety of castings from ornamental lamp posts, power generation, commuter rail, and defense.

We have the ability to set up special processes for your casting needs. Tri-Cast Ltd. has the capability to perform a special process which includes machining, bearings, primer paint, and grinding. We have the capability to do ornamental iron. Our foundry also makes almost all alloys for cast iron and ductile iron such as Ni-Hard, Ni-Resist, Hi Silicon Ductile Iron, Austempered Ductile Iron, Ductile Iron, and Cast Iron in all grades.